This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
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Why subscribe to Of Earth & Of Stars?

Because you are starting to run low on wonder. You know, the kind that seems to be synonymous with the laughter of a child. The wonder that speaks in the language of “wow!” because lively amazement is the essence of its presence.

Because awe has become relegated to something outside of the day-to-day. Something that can’t be attached to you. This disconnection from awe may be why your breathing is a bit more shallow, why you carry the world on your shoulders, why mystery has become scary instead of invitation.

Because you’ve stopped seeing yourself as an expression of wonder and awe - or maybe you never started.

I want to rekindle your wonder and awe with words. With connection. With awareness that isn’t an escape from reality, but a wider view of it.

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Subscribe to Of Earth & Of Stars

Welcoming wonder and awe with our feet on the ground and our eyes to the sky.


Your guide in welcoming wonder and awe as I remind you that you're *literally* made of stars.